Yesterday I brewed a northern German Alt beer loosely based on a recipe by Jamil Zainasheff. I chose to use Belgian pale as the base grain. His recipe calls for Pilsener malt. I have it fermenting in a plastic trash can with water and freezer packs to keep the temp at approximately 60 degrees. The shirt around the carboy protects the fermentation from light and allows the carboy to stay cool. I hit the target gravity right on the nose with a reading of 1.050. I brewed this to try and get a grasp on what the specific characteristics that an Alt beer has, and to get a point of reference so I can try and clone the Alaskan Amber.
"Alt Who Goes There"
a Northern German Alt Bier
9.8 lbs Belgian Pale Malt
1 lb Organic Munich
1/4 lb Carafa Speacial II
1/4 lb CaraMunich
3 oz Pale Chocolate
1 oz Magnum (14.2% AA) 60 min
1 Wirlfoc tab 15 min
3 pks Wyeast 1007
I did a 90 min rest at 152, a 90 min boil and I pitched at 60 degrees. Prost!
Q.C.R. Grade = A
"Alt Who Goes There"
a Northern German Alt Bier
9.8 lbs Belgian Pale Malt
1 lb Organic Munich
1/4 lb Carafa Speacial II
1/4 lb CaraMunich
3 oz Pale Chocolate
1 oz Magnum (14.2% AA) 60 min
1 Wirlfoc tab 15 min
3 pks Wyeast 1007
I did a 90 min rest at 152, a 90 min boil and I pitched at 60 degrees. Prost!
Q.C.R. Grade = A