Monday, February 23, 2009

Rock Face Pale Ale V3.0 Brew Session

About 3 weeks ago I brewed a batch of my Rock Face Pale Ale using Amarillo, Centennial, and Cascades. I tried to keep it on the dry side with a background character that had more biscuit and toasty elements to it. So instead of using Munich, which I have always used in past Pale Ale batches, I used Vienna, which is a little lighter and crisper then the munich. I also used some Crisp Marris Otter in the grain bill, which is kilned to produce more biscuit like flavors then your average 2-Row. When I brewed this beer I only had a small amount of the 2-row and I wanted to use it up, so instead of using all CMO in the recipe I cut it with the 2-row. Its good to keep a good rotation of product to ensure freshness.

Rock Face Pale Ale V3.0
7.2 lbs Crisp Marris Otter
4.75 lbs Canadian 2-Row
3/4 lb Vienna
1/2 lb Wheat
1/4 oz Crystal 60
1 oz Chinook (11.4% AA) 60 min
1/4 oz Cascade 10 min
1/4 oz Amarillo 10 min
3/4 oz Cascade 0 min
3/4 oz Amarillo 0 min
1 oz Amarillo dry hop
1 Wirlfloc tab 15 min
2 pks Wyeast 1056

O.G. 1.057
This is the first time I used Amarillo in a recipe. The beer is in the keg now and just about fully carbonated. It has a great citrus flavor. The combination of the cascade and Amarillo give the beer a little complexity. The malt background is very complementary to the beers overall character. Its has that light toasty essence with a little caramel. I would say that this recipe is a great one. Next time around I will use nothing but Marris Otter for the base grain, and I might change the hop schedule. Maybe I'll try the First Wort Hopping technique. Chin Chin!

Here is a short clip of the 60 min hop addition. Its about 15 degrees out, but it could be worse.

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