"First of the Season" Blueberry Wheat:
This was the second attempt at the blueberry wheat. This time I used the Oregon canned puree instead of the IQF Blueberries from the previous batch. The puree was added to the secondary and sat

5.5 lbs American 2-row
5 lbs wheat
1/2 lb Crystal 15
1 oz Willamette (5.1% AA) 60 min
2 pks Wyeast 2565 Kolsch
2 cans Oregon Blueberry puree
5 oz blueberry flavoring
Mash at 152 for 90 minutes
I got an O.G. 1.050 and an F.G. of 1.012. The beer is very crisp, and has a little more body then the last batch. It still is tad dry for my taste. Next time I'll up the mash temp and replace the crystal 15 with a full lb of caramel 10, or maybe add some Vienna.
18 Hole Kolsch:

10lbs German pils
1/2 lb wheat
1/2 oz Hallertau (3.9% AA) 60 min
1/4 oz Northern Brewer (6.5% AA)
1 Wirlfloc tab 15 min
Yeast cake from blueberry wheat beer
Mash at 149 for 90 min
use a 90 min boil to reduce DMS
This was the first time I used gelatin to clarify. I used 1 tsp of gelatin that I blooomed, and then heated to 170. The beer has been lagering for about 3 weeks. 1 more week and I will transfer it to another keg and then carb it to 2.5 volumes. I got an O.G. of 1.049.
Rock Face Pale Ale V4.0

Here's the latest version of the ever changing Rock Face Pale Ale. No rhyme or reason for the changes, other then variety being the spice of life.
10 Marris otter
1/4 lb Crystal 60
1/2 lb Vienna
1/2 lb Wheat
1 oz Chinook (11.4% AA) 60 min
1/2 oz Perle 10 min
1/4 oz Northern brewer 10 min
1/2 oz Cascade 0 min
1/2 oz Perle 0 min
1 oz Cascade added to secondary
1 wirlfloc tab 15 min
2 pks Wyeast 1056
Mash at 152 for 90 min
got an O.G. of 1.051 and an F.G. of 1.014
I kegged this and I will lager it for two weeks. I usually carb and drink right away, so we'll see how it goes. Chin Chin!
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