Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rock Face IPA Brew Session

Today I made an IPA using a recipe I just came up with out of the blue with a little help from Brewing Classic Styles.

Rock Face IPA

12.75 lbs Canadian 2row
.75 lbs Munich
1 Lbs Caramel 20
.25 lbs Caramel 40
1 oz Magnum (14.2% AA) 60 min
1/2 oz Centennial (9% AA) 10min
1/2 oz Cascade (7.2% AA) 10 min
1 oz Cascade (7.2% AA) 5 min
1 oz Cascade Flame out
1 oz Cascade Dry Hop
2.89 liter Yeast Starter Wyeast 1056
1 tsp Irish Moss 15 min

Mash For 90 min at 150-149
1.3 qt per pound ratio
target OG 1.065
Estimated FG 1.012

Actual OG 1.060
I ended up adding a little too much water for a mash out, and I collected 7.25 gal instead of 7 gal, thus diluting the pre-boil gravity. Over all, a very smooth session. I used a big starter that I made sunday morning. I pitched at 3:00 pm and krausen had formed by the time I woke up the next day.
"Chin Chin"

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